When we were young, my brother built a swing. Like any worthy childhood craft, it was made entirely out of scratch from a wooden board he found laying around and an old laundry rope that had sat unnoticed in the quiet shelves of the garden shed ever since mom had deemed it unworthy of supporting my father's heavy duty pants. From the window, I watched my brother cross the lawn cradling it in his arms the way he would eventually come to hold his daughters many years from then.
Slung over one of the sturdiest branches of the guayabo, the swing swayed lazily in the afternoon breeze, beckoning us to it with its slow, hypnotic rhythm. My brother stood before it, gangly arms akimbo, and surveyed it with the look only comparable to that of a quality control inspector. Once he had found it appropriate, he proceeded to squat down into it, pulling slightly on the ropes to check for their sturdiness. Taking a deep breath, he fixed his gaze on some point in the horizon and yanked the yellowing mecate as he pummelled into the first swing.
After a couple of seconds, I saw him fall back into place. My name suddenly rang across yard and I hurried away from the sink were I had been furiously scrubbing the oatmeal pot. He motioned me to push him; I dried my hands on my cutoffs and took my position behind him.
He was a year older than me, but that summer I had grown so tall I towered over him whenever we stood side by side. Oddly, he never seemed to mind his sister looming five inches over his head. At school, this came in handy when it came to scaring off anyone who tried to pick on him for capturing bugs during recess to examine them inside the little glass mole jars. I guess that for someone whose peripheral view allows him to put more things into perspective, this fact appeared highly irrelevant.
As I stood pushing him on his makeshift swing, I began to grow tired. Sensing this, my brother piped up that I should do it harder. His screams grew in the same crescendo as the force I put into each shove. With a new and irritated resolve in my blood, I put my whole strength into one last mighty push that could have sent him higher than any swing he had ever sat on, had the rope not snapped in that precise moment. Stupefied, I saw him soar through the air in a slightly awkward arc before he landed with a sickening thud on the ground, smacking the nape of his neck on the edge of the wooden board.
Round green eyes looked up at me before turning into two slots of mortification when he discovered he was bleeding. Wailing, he got onto his feet and stormed across the garden, hand clamped tightly to the back of his neck.
Although my mother pulled my ears so hard I worried it might fall off, my brother was back to normal in a week. He received six stitches and a rather rowdy haircut, but other than that he was fine. After I snuck some chocolate from my dad's secret tin up to our room and placed it under his pillow, he was back to making me cardboard pinwheels and kites pieced together from scraps of tissue paper. Although he even got to make our baby sister's birthday piñata, he never came around to building another swing.
Forty years from that August day, my eldest niece still maintains I pushed her daddy off the swing.
viernes, 16 de diciembre de 2011
domingo, 4 de diciembre de 2011
poema 1
La noche cae sumisa al atardecer sin aliento
cálido afluente cañaveral sucumbe al recuerdo de días añejos e insaboros
por que por amores te pienso y por desventuras amargas te olvido mi amada nocturna
en dulces mañanas de anochecer decidí callar entre suspiros tu nombre agua miel ,
suplicio andante tus caminos en los que el sol se perdió cuando las gardenias danzaban
y la luna blanca te arrullaba en sus brazos celestes , solo el árbol amigo del ocaso te mira te espera
mientras el ruiseñor enamorado retoma el vuelo agita sus alas entre aromas a rosa jazmín al son
de aquel corazón que te ama sin premura ala sombra de mi ventana….
Entre tu divina belleza perdí mi nombre o fino linaje de primavera entre tus jardines mi inocencia
Y entre tus sublimes brazos de anhelo mi ser……
La noche cae sumisa al atardecer sin aliento
cálido afluente cañaveral sucumbe al recuerdo de días añejos e insaboros
por que por amores te pienso y por desventuras amargas te olvido mi amada nocturna
en dulces mañanas de anochecer decidí callar entre suspiros tu nombre agua miel ,
suplicio andante tus caminos en los que el sol se perdió cuando las gardenias danzaban
y la luna blanca te arrullaba en sus brazos celestes , solo el árbol amigo del ocaso te mira te espera
mientras el ruiseñor enamorado retoma el vuelo agita sus alas entre aromas a rosa jazmín al son
de aquel corazón que te ama sin premura ala sombra de mi ventana….
Entre tu divina belleza perdí mi nombre o fino linaje de primavera entre tus jardines mi inocencia
Y entre tus sublimes brazos de anhelo mi ser……
domingo, 27 de noviembre de 2011
Tormenta Perfecta
Tormenta que no para
Huracán que condena
Volcán que arde
Lava que llueve
Lagrima cayendo
Agua enloqueciendo
Huracán que condena
Volcán que arde
Lava que llueve
Lagrima cayendo
Agua enloqueciendo
sábado, 5 de noviembre de 2011
The 1%
Poetry makes me sick
all inclinations are dead
art is a thing of the past
now it's al nickles and dimes
Maslow must be proud
all basic need acomplished
alll beauty abolished
under the federal shroud
all inclinations are dead
art is a thing of the past
now it's al nickles and dimes
Maslow must be proud
all basic need acomplished
alll beauty abolished
under the federal shroud
miércoles, 5 de octubre de 2011
Al despertar los ruidos una mañana fría
me arrebató la muerte lo que yo más quería.
Oh muerte insobornable, de inflexible guadaña,
que siegas el palacio al igual que la cabaña.
¿Por qué no cortas sólo la cosecha madura,
las mieses agostadas, o la maraña oscura?
¿Por qué arrancas el árbol joven y florecido,
pisoteas las rosas y destruyes el nido?
¡Qué suprema injusticia tratar de igual manera
al niño balbuciente y al viejo que te espera!
Y un día inesperado sigilosa llegaste,
sin llamar a la puerta... y me la arrebataste
aún brillando en sus ojos el intenso fulgor
que reflejaba el fuego de su primer amor;
y aún reciente en sus labios el calor de los besos
que otros jóvenes labios la dejaron impresos;
y aún resonando el eco vibrante en sus oídos
de las palabras tiernas y los dulces gemidos.
Y tú me la llevaste, cruel y caprichosa,
antes de que pudiera ser madre o ser esposa.
Tú apagaste sus ojos y helaste su sonrisa,
y la arrancaste el alma, que se perdió en la brisa.
Yo te maldigo, muerte, porque tu mano siega
tanta vida temprana con inclemencia ciega;
porque en los rudos giros de tu lúgubre danza
asesinas las almas y entierras la esperanza.
¡Cómo siento tu ausencia, cómo me invade el frío,
cómo el mundo en mi entorno parece tan vacío,
tan inútil, tan lejos, desde que tú te fuiste;
y cómo me he quedado tan dolorida y triste!
Sólo la dulce imagen de tu gentil belleza
aligera la enorme carga de mi tristeza.
Pero cómo me faltas, y cómo yo te añoro,
y cómo noche y día te recuerdo y te lloro…
Fue al despertar el día, que sus ojos durmieron,
cuando los ruiseñores su canto enmudecieron;
Fue al despertar el día, cuando una noche oscura
se me instaló en el alma, y abrió mi sepultura;
Fue al despertar el día, cuando una lluvia densa
me inundó con el llanto de su nostalgia inmensa.
Pero yo ahora te pienso como un ángel callado
con eterna sonrisa que está siempre a mi lado.
Y al sentir que la brisa juega con mis cabellos,
sabré que es la caricia de tus manos en ellos...
me arrebató la muerte lo que yo más quería.
Oh muerte insobornable, de inflexible guadaña,
que siegas el palacio al igual que la cabaña.
¿Por qué no cortas sólo la cosecha madura,
las mieses agostadas, o la maraña oscura?
¿Por qué arrancas el árbol joven y florecido,
pisoteas las rosas y destruyes el nido?
¡Qué suprema injusticia tratar de igual manera
al niño balbuciente y al viejo que te espera!
Y un día inesperado sigilosa llegaste,
sin llamar a la puerta... y me la arrebataste
aún brillando en sus ojos el intenso fulgor
que reflejaba el fuego de su primer amor;
y aún reciente en sus labios el calor de los besos
que otros jóvenes labios la dejaron impresos;
y aún resonando el eco vibrante en sus oídos
de las palabras tiernas y los dulces gemidos.
Y tú me la llevaste, cruel y caprichosa,
antes de que pudiera ser madre o ser esposa.
Tú apagaste sus ojos y helaste su sonrisa,
y la arrancaste el alma, que se perdió en la brisa.
Yo te maldigo, muerte, porque tu mano siega
tanta vida temprana con inclemencia ciega;
porque en los rudos giros de tu lúgubre danza
asesinas las almas y entierras la esperanza.
¡Cómo siento tu ausencia, cómo me invade el frío,
cómo el mundo en mi entorno parece tan vacío,
tan inútil, tan lejos, desde que tú te fuiste;
y cómo me he quedado tan dolorida y triste!
Sólo la dulce imagen de tu gentil belleza
aligera la enorme carga de mi tristeza.
Pero cómo me faltas, y cómo yo te añoro,
y cómo noche y día te recuerdo y te lloro…
Fue al despertar el día, que sus ojos durmieron,
cuando los ruiseñores su canto enmudecieron;
Fue al despertar el día, cuando una noche oscura
se me instaló en el alma, y abrió mi sepultura;
Fue al despertar el día, cuando una lluvia densa
me inundó con el llanto de su nostalgia inmensa.
Pero yo ahora te pienso como un ángel callado
con eterna sonrisa que está siempre a mi lado.
Y al sentir que la brisa juega con mis cabellos,
sabré que es la caricia de tus manos en ellos...
jueves, 28 de julio de 2011
My Dear Shell
Oh my!
My dear the cake is not a lie
When you're about to die
What would the point be?
How I try
Would you please die?
I'll be your bestest friendI'll even give you cake
Wouldn't you call that a break?
What did you say?
No cake?My dear the cake is not a lie
When you're about to die
What would the point be?
Its impossible can't you see?
-Yes its him again... THAT GUY... JPA
miércoles, 1 de junio de 2011
I didnt write this but I liked it
I am thankful for...
by Nancie J. Carmody
...the mess to clean up after a party
because it means I have been surrounded by friends.
...the taxes I pay
because it means that I'm employed.
...the clothes that fit a little too snug
because it means I have enough to eat.
...my shadow who watches me work
because it means I am out in the sunshine.
...the spot I find at the far end of the parking lot
because it means I am capable of walking.
...all the complaining I hear about our government
because it means we have freedom of speech.
...that lady behind me in church who sings off key
because it means that I can hear.
...lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing
because it means I have a home.
...my huge heating bill
because it means that I am warm.
...weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day
because it means that I have been productive.
...the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours
because it means that I am alive.
by Nancie J. Carmody
...the mess to clean up after a party
because it means I have been surrounded by friends.
...the taxes I pay
because it means that I'm employed.
...the clothes that fit a little too snug
because it means I have enough to eat.
...my shadow who watches me work
because it means I am out in the sunshine.
...the spot I find at the far end of the parking lot
because it means I am capable of walking.
...all the complaining I hear about our government
because it means we have freedom of speech.
...that lady behind me in church who sings off key
because it means that I can hear.
...lawn that needs mowing, windows that need cleaning and gutters that need fixing
because it means I have a home.
...my huge heating bill
because it means that I am warm.
...weariness and aching muscles at the end of the day
because it means that I have been productive.
...the alarm that goes off in the early morning hours
because it means that I am alive.
sábado, 28 de mayo de 2011
You have spoken an evil tongue
You have known power
to which you have clung
I am he who giveth
I am he who tells
the tale of Macbeth
I condemn you, foreigner
I condemn your life
and your pitiful mourners
You are the son of evil
You are deceitful lore
clouded by slim veils
Know what awaits you
Know what lays
Behold! Kthuluhu
You have known power
to which you have clung
I am he who giveth
I am he who tells
the tale of Macbeth
I condemn you, foreigner
I condemn your life
and your pitiful mourners
You are the son of evil
You are deceitful lore
clouded by slim veils
Know what awaits you
Know what lays
Behold! Kthuluhu
domingo, 15 de mayo de 2011
Your soul is a spider
it's gone to my head
What can I do
but let it fall apart?
The danger is dire
the thicker the thread
Where can I go
away from your heart?
There's Blood in the Dark
There's Blood in the Dark
A villainous fire
that spreads through a shed
Why do you do
this dramatic art?
A crackling pyre
that runs black and red
How do I run
from your daunting dart?
There's Blood in the Dark
There's Blood in the Dark
lunes, 9 de mayo de 2011
Things Mothers Say
Brush your teeth after eating, I know you haven’t.
Eat the vegetables too, carrots are good for your eye sight,
Broccoli will clean your colon way better than chocolate and gummies will
Be good at school, don’t tease your classmates and do your homework
Play fair, and tell the truth,
Don’t be mean to people, you don’t wanna hurt their feelings
You never know what they can do to you.
When you walk out the house, walk with your head down
Don’t look up, and dont stare,
You never know who you’re looking at
Don’t say this, and don’t say that, and don’t say what your father works at
Don’t say how much money you have, and if asked, say a few spare change
You should not even talk about money in the first place
Watch out where you’re walking by
Don’t get in their way, don’t run into them, just don’t run into strangers when you walk
If you hear gun shots throw yourself to the floor right away, and as I said before, don’t look up
If you get caught...God forbid you get caught
What have I told you about looking too good? Don’t put on that watch, it looks new.
When we’re on the car look at all the sides of streets and lock the doors first thing once we’re all inside
And if you see big or fancy cars don’t stare at the drivers, as I said before, you never know who you’re looking at.
If you hear gun shots try to get under the seat, don’t let them see your head through the window
Before you walk out the house look at both sides of the street and across, make sure no mysterious cars are parked outside.
If you’re gonna go play outside...I’m sorry, you can’t, just stay home today...
Don’t play with fake guns, God forbid someone thinks they’re real
I know you wanna go out, but you can’t
Don’t hate me, I’m protecting you
Someday you’ll understand.
Eat the vegetables too, carrots are good for your eye sight,
Broccoli will clean your colon way better than chocolate and gummies will
Be good at school, don’t tease your classmates and do your homework
Play fair, and tell the truth,
Don’t be mean to people, you don’t wanna hurt their feelings
You never know what they can do to you.
When you walk out the house, walk with your head down
Don’t look up, and dont stare,
You never know who you’re looking at
Don’t say this, and don’t say that, and don’t say what your father works at
Don’t say how much money you have, and if asked, say a few spare change
You should not even talk about money in the first place
Watch out where you’re walking by
Don’t get in their way, don’t run into them, just don’t run into strangers when you walk
If you hear gun shots throw yourself to the floor right away, and as I said before, don’t look up
If you get caught...God forbid you get caught
What have I told you about looking too good? Don’t put on that watch, it looks new.
When we’re on the car look at all the sides of streets and lock the doors first thing once we’re all inside
And if you see big or fancy cars don’t stare at the drivers, as I said before, you never know who you’re looking at.
If you hear gun shots try to get under the seat, don’t let them see your head through the window
Before you walk out the house look at both sides of the street and across, make sure no mysterious cars are parked outside.
If you’re gonna go play outside...I’m sorry, you can’t, just stay home today...
Don’t play with fake guns, God forbid someone thinks they’re real
I know you wanna go out, but you can’t
Don’t hate me, I’m protecting you
Someday you’ll understand.
jueves, 14 de abril de 2011
I created a day without night
and it was good
then came man
and it was good
then came God
and it was man
I created a night without day
and it was good
then came man
and it was good
then came God
and it was man
I created a night without day
domingo, 2 de enero de 2011
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