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viernes, 27 de agosto de 2010

Oda a la locura (0.o)

Pongámonos a debrayar
¿Ya que? No nos va a matar.
Una morsa escandalosa
nos lo va a contar en prosa,
así que mientras siga la lirica
nunca dejes atrás la porción satírica

Vamos todos a delirar
¿Ya que? Nadie nos va a parar.
Un plátano cristiano
nos lo dirá de antemano,
así que mientras se repite la idea
tirémonos todos a la marea.


Friend or Fiend

Thank you
for keeping my mask on when I wouldn't
Bless you
for guarding my heart when I couldn´t
Damn You
for inspiring me when you shouldn´t
Curse you
for making me hope when you didn't

Inspirado en los eventos que terminaron en
mi relacion mas bella y duradera. Grazie mi bella diva.

jueves, 26 de agosto de 2010


Things. Small things. Pretty things. Ugly things. Big things. Things that are big. Meaningless things.

Things that I picked up on the way.

Things that pile up. Things that fall out of the heap. Things strewn all over the desk. Things in the corner. Cluttering things.

That I refuse to clean up today.

Things in my head. Things on my head. Things that won’t fit in my mind. Things I wouldn’t like to find.

Things I won’t understand this way.

Dream things. Green things. Pink things. Shiny things. Silvery, shimmery, glimmer-y things.

Things reserved for the light of day.

Things in the cupboard. Things in a bag. Hidden things. Things left unspoken.

Things I can’t bear to say.

vivo por ella...

Sentir en nuestra boca la emocion de una nota,
que vibra en todo nuestro cuerpo,
cual suspiro se deshace suavemente con el viento

Abrazame musica bella con tu compas y tiempo
que deseo olvidar todo momento en que fui infeliz
Y Si alguna vez lo fui te he encontrado a ti, fiel y amorosa
como madre y esposa, te has unido a mi.

Elixir de la vida eterna, te he tomado tan aprisa!
que mis labios esbozaron la sonrisa, de un ser extaciado
cuando de mi boca surgio tu ritmo puro y delicado

No hay antidoto para tus efectos, que aun cuando no deseo
te convoco, espiritu que en mi habita
me has atrapado y enloquecido
llena en mi boca con tus resonantes desvarios

Has hecho de mi pecho tu morada secreta,
tejiendo en mis adentros tus notas perfectas.

Perdona el no interpretarlas como tu quisieras
pero que soy yo
Plebeya queriendo ser realeza, tocando ligeramente
tu figura perfecta, que desfila en mi cabeza
Perdona profanar tu inmortal belleza,
pero me has dejado indefenza y extasiada
adictivo es tu sabor
No he podido resistirme a tus encantos, mucho menos
cuando conoci el amor.

Saber o no cuando has terminado... que dilema!
si dentro de mi sigues encendida, eterna tu febril armonia, que da pasion a mi pensamiento, que avidamente se realiza
en los brazos del silencio.

Ni en mis mas profundos suenos te has ausentado
Aun como susurro te has presentado,Y te he sentido
hasta en el danzar de las hojas del arbol.

Cuando triste es tu melodia,
es por lealtad a mis sentimientos
Pero aun con la mas intensa agonia,
tu Seduccion me sirve de consuelo .

Permiteme poseerte hasta mis ultimos momentos.
hasta que me abandone eternamente en los brazos de morfeo, Unidos hasta la muerte, donde mi ultimo suspiro, sera dedicado a la singular armonia de la musica que me acompano mi vida
en todos los sentidos...

inspirada en...
" Ella me da la vida si esta junto a mi" - Vivo por ella Andrea Bocelli

miércoles, 25 de agosto de 2010

Poets At Church

I know how it came to be:
The Pastor’s hand missed.

When holy wafer fell to the ground
And communal goblet of blood clattered
Ambrosial cascaded down the altar
And they drank from it like wild men

The benches of powdered lips were silent
Painted eyebrows dancing quizzically
‘It’s blood! Not wine!’ said boring eyes
Blood is wine is water defies

But something was fed
As maternal as milk
As sweet as bursts of honey

Maybe they fed by hand of Midas
Quixotic shaky invisible
Turning everything into gold
And consecrating life

The Way You Hold That Glass

There are things that when freed, burst
As proclaimed as saffron arches of champagne
While others
Retain secrecy in vapor
Crimson aromas of
Held glass tulips
That the distinguished detect

Pertain to the darkroom of ponder
Where they may be dipped in liquid solutions
From pocket to the waters slipped
And hung from a drying wire of hope
Where red lights of secluded passion
May serve intimate revelation

of constant capitalization
Whose care is true onto itself

of polyphony of perceptions
Turned tuned and tweaked
To hum harmoniously

Tender lost look whose reason
A photo frame does supplement
Tender lost look whose treason
Teems beyond conscious concealment

How often should one pierce with spear of light?
What favors provide the rain and night?
How hard does a hidden heart pump?
How damaging is a ceaseless thump?

You, nocturnal carnation
Shall be revealed your lunar markings
But, in the meantime,
Raise your glass to our

Public Hanging

It’s coming out from the gallows
Slithering slandering serpents slink
As the crowd pulls back the latch
Relishing in jabbing thorns
In the heavy musk
Of a used noose

The child who’s watching
Has his laughter inside a brown paper bag

Saying We'd Go Somewhere

Her name was still on the windshield this morning
Hazed to recall the night before
There were gales of faded night laughter hanging, preserved
In cold confines of car air

She told me how she planned to sit
Clapping life to scenes of black top roads
And hustling sunlight soaked into the hood
Zipping through fields of green and gold

I find myself wondering
Will she read Snyder in her seat?
What song will be playing when she falls asleep?
If a tire pops can she make herself handy?
Or simply steal my glove compartment candy?
(She knows. She knows she hasn’t such right)
Should I trust such to drive day or night?

These are but dream saplings
Lapsing into bubbles of sun
Who pop with morning’s monsoon
And when the car door opens up:
Are we still lying? No.
Just pretending


On the rather disheveled ends
of our shattered, yet pristine galaxy
lies a Raggedy-Ann doll
ready to boost up her moxy.
Yes, Sir Adams knows best
the wretchedness of all the rest.
With no rhyme, time or chime
the mindboggling universe entwines
round, and around for centuries,
centaurs dance on a nebula’s end.
Know the sci-fi thrills and deals
of a race of developed monkeys
one of whom is known as Dent.


martes, 24 de agosto de 2010

Go on

The strings of life that flow ahead
will wring the sparks from off your head
don't hasitate until you're dead
you're almost there

The secret strife that's heavy lead
will bring down all the things you dread
It will be worth the tears you've bleed
You're nearly there

Don't tear the shell that you will shed
the dreams that hang over your bed
Don't listen to the things they've said



I saw god in a cat

Today I saw god in a cat
I’m not a cat lover
I’m not religious
But I know I saw god in a cat

He was stretched in repose
on my friend’s porch
meowing at his doorstep at the empty catfood bag
maybe not noticing the open wound on his neck

He turned to look at us
with feline eyes
with expectance and condescencion
he stared at me
as I caressed his open neck

Scalding water, the scold for being a street cat
Scalding water, he’s scum for being a street cat

He watched me
looking at his bloody dry neck
inspecting his 3 day old scars
from a previous encounter with the primitive neighbor

His open neck,
the empty cat food bag,
the scalding water,
some barking dogs,
a watching neighbor

god sat there on the porch
meowing at my hands
playing with the jingling keys
at my gay,
friend’s hands

lunes, 23 de agosto de 2010

Midnight Sun

Raving in desires... Stricken with no motion,

quelled by the silence

and the sound's distortion.

Where i held doubt i hang my feet.

The sleepwalker who lives in dreams

"I fear the nothing, and its meaningless pain,

that hurts me deeper than a dagger stabbed in my chest...

Open it widely, Give it a try...

'till the streaming blood, stops its dance;

see my inside,

try listening the muted heart. Theres no beating.

Theres no life. It's been bewitched by time...

Time that rather kept me frozen, than letting me die,

on my endless waiting for my beloved man"

A beggar of light became my spirit...

A wrath beholding to the beguiling starts...

Befuddled by the moon, that keeps its shine...

even in the darkest nights, clothing the good...and the bad.

"Where is my sun...?

Where is my warmth...?

Where is my sun tonight?"

Theres no such a thing, I realize, And finally sigh

The heavy shadows were put aside.

The endless asphyxia died

And an amorphous voice caught my ears, Healing my wounds,

Cuddling me, Wrapping and heating my icy skin.

His velvet voice, like a lullaby soothing my racing heart.

Whispering my name, and an unforgettable Good Bye.

Abruptly i suddenly opened my eyes, still absorbed by the angelical sound

"where it came from??

was it the voice of my light?"

-The sky met my sight-

"Is that a smile in the diminish moon???"

And THAT, was the first time...

When i realized I had a midnight sun.

dedicated to my beloved muse: Chris Symons


en aluminio
un dominio




She moves like a ghost
through my mind, swimming
transparent, translucid
liquid, crystaline
and dull
